
HNO-Specialist Medical Reports

After we receive an order for an expert opinion (e.g. from a trade association or insurance company), you will receive a written invitation from us to come in for an examination from an expert.

Depending on the illness and the expert's report, ENT examinations as well as various special examinations such as hearing tests, balance tests, olfactory tests, X-rays, etc. are carried out. We ask for your understanding if individual examinations are time-consuming or waiting periods occur.

After completion of the examinations, you will receive a confirmation of your medical exam (e.g. your insurance company) or for your employer.

Please check-in at our ENT outpatient clinic (house 9) on the day of the examination.

Parking (subject to a charge) is available on the clinic premises.

Please bring them with you:

  • Letter of invitation
  • Identification card
  • Health insurance card
  • Existing medical records
  • Any hearing aids if available
  • Possibly a drink and a small meal (a cafeteria is available in the clinic).

You do not need a medical referral.  If you have travel costs, please arrange the details with your insurance or employer.

Results of the assessment:

After evaluating the results of all examinations, reviewing the files and answering the client's questions, the assessment will be sent to the client. Please understand that we cannot give you any information on the results.

If you have any questions, please contact us as follows:

phone: 0391-67-13800

by fax: 0391-67-13806

Last Modification: 20.06.2023 - Contact Person:

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